Thursday, August 28, 2008

Chocolate Cake, Calculus, & Ridiculous Physics Problems

So, I'm sitting here working on some homework gibberish for Calc 3 and Engineering Physics 1 while eating some delicious chocolate cake left over from the international student welcome thing. I am also wondering why the physics department is so incredibly ridiculous. I mean one of my problems seriously says "A startled armadillo leaps upward, rising .544 m in the first .200 s, what is its initial speed as it leaves the ground?" Another one reads "A hoodlum throws a stone vertically downward with an initial speed of 12 m/s from the roof of a building, 30 m above ground, how long does it take the stone to reach the ground?" Really, who came up with these problems? I mean, they are all fairly simple to solve, but it is very hard to take them seriously when they ask things like that. It is funny, but incredibly ridiculous. Crazy physicists! Oh well! I guess it will keep things interesting at least. Well, I suppose I should get some sleep now and refresh myself for classes tomorrow.

Monday, August 25, 2008

A Bit of an Explanation

So, Sophie convinced me to start my own blog so that she could read all of my random thoughts and adventures and such, and since she is without a doubt the most brilliant and amazing person I have ever know, I most certainly agreed to do it. So, after spending several days debating what on earth to call it, I finally decided upon Making Everything Glorious, and this is why. Well, I really must give most of the credit to a two year old named Eriana, who's favorite song is Everything Glorious by David Crowder Band. Anyways, she was singing it the other day, and it got me thinking about just how awesome God truly is. Then as I pondered a title, I began thinking about how since we are reflections of God and His glory by serving Him and His kingdom, we should be making everything around us glorious also by allowing Him to work through us. So anyways, I wanted my title to be something positive and uplifting while also a bit convicting in the times when maybe I'm not doing all I can to further His Kingdom. So, may we shine forth as brilliant beacons of hope, piercing through the deepest darkness and spreading God's glory to the edges of the Earth. May you have a blessed and most glorious day!