Saturday, November 15, 2008

Praise of the Peoples

So, tonight was the second ever Praise of the Peoples where we all get together at a church with people from all over the world and just have an awesome time worshiping the wondrous God that we serve in a variety of languages. I went last year, and it was an amazing experience, so I had been extremely excited about it, but I spent the whole day doing Christmas shopping, and had gotten very little sleep the night before since we had to take Christen to the emergency room, so though I was very anxious to go, I was extremely exhausted and really in a rather un-Weston-like mood. Besides that, last year, Sophie and Amy were here to celebrate with us, so I was already beginning to miss her quite a lot before we even left. Anyways, Christen noticed that I wasn't quite myself and got me some hot chocolate before we went in to help cheer me up again, and that did a great deal of good. Chocolate certainly can do some rather marvellous things...hee hee. Anyways, so I was feeling quite a bit better, and when we started to sing, it was a joyous sound, but I still couldn't help missing Sophie a lot--what can I say, I love her--so I did have some tears flowing for a few minutes, but it is very difficult to remain sad when you are in the presence of God. It was awesome. And then, I got yet another amazing surprise as I glanced at the program and saw that my calc III recitation teacher, Xiaojing Zhang was going to be delivering a message about worship in China. This was a completely awesome revelation. I had always enjoyed having her as my recitaton teacher. She just always seemed so kind and willing to help out in any way she could, which is rare in a college classroom setting. I had her my freshman year for calc I and was overjoyed when I found out that she was my teacher for calc III as well. Up to this point though, I had no idea about her great faith in God. It is always a wonderful occasion when you discover that someone you know is devoted to passionately serving God. I went up to her afterward and thanked her for everything, and she in turn stated how very happy she was to see me there. She said it filled her with great joy to look out into the crowd and see the faces of some of her students in the crowd, and we both exclaimed about what an awesome God we serve. Wow! God is so much more wonderful than we will ever be able to understand here on Earth, and He never ceases to amaze me. Thank You so very much for that Lord! Anyways, she is part of the Chinese Christian Fellowship here at K-State, so I think I am going to go check it out at some point, so I'm very excited about that. Well, I will once again be putting on the blue shirt and serving as an usher tomorrow morning, and since had a large lack of sleep last night, I suppose I should be going to sleep now. I hoe you all have an immensly magnificent day tomorrow!

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