Friday, September 5, 2008

From Beaver Boy to Superman

A friend of mine from high school recently mentioned something about how quickly the years have passed by, and how much things have changed since the jolly old days of our childhood. Anyways, it just got me thinking a bit about my earlier years and some of my crazy adventures back then, and well, since Paul and Sophie both agree that I had some rather beaver like qualities back then, I figured I'd refer to myself as Beaver Boy to add to the laughs. So, here are some of the random memories I was able to recall. Maybe you will enjoy hearing some of them. Well, when I was probably two or three, I kept having a strange nightmare about a train coming through my bedroom window, a train driven by none other than the Boogieman. Anyways, for months afterwards, I was always terrified of trains coming through my window, until I got myself a train engineer's cap and a whistle to protect myself with. I also remember my favorite book being "Johnny Tractor." I actually managed to convince my parents that I could read because I had heard it read so many times that I'd memorized it; however, they figured it out when they found I was holding the book upside-down. I remeber my cousin Jeremy who is a year older than me, and how we used to be mortal enemies. I actually shoved a shovel full of mud in his mouth one time, if you can believe that. We are really very good friends now though. Then there was Steimy, our gigantic dog that I would share my cookies with. My Dad says he would hand me a cookie and I would always walk over to my toddler gate and break half off to throw to the dog. Then there was Fluffy, my short lived pet rabbit. We were very good friends. It was a sad day when I woke up to find out that Fluffy had overheated while outside. Luckily I had Andrew there to keep me company. Neither of us can really remember how or when we met each other. It seems to me he just poofed out of nowhere, and has been here ever since. God definitely knew what he was doing there! Ahh, we had some grand adventures back then, and we still do today. I remember the days of playing Ninja Turtles in his basement, and our adventures elephant hunting. We were pretty mischievious back then too, not that that is too difficult to imagine. Think of two Will Thomas's putting their minds together...Yikes, I don't know that the world could handle that!

Anyways, I have plenty more memories, some wonderful, some terribly sad, but obviously it would take a lifetime to list them all. And yes, a great deal has changed since those joyous days of youth, some seemingly for the better, some seemingly for the worst, but looking back, one thing has remained constant, and that one thing is the only thing that truly matters, the love and faithfulness of Jesus Christ and the sacrifice He made for us on the cross. I still just marvel at how awesome our God is, and how perfect his plan is, and how no matter where I was in life, he was always there, guiding me exactly where I needed to be, as long as I was willing to follow. Wow! What a devoted and loving God we serve, to continually seek after each and every one of us, and to sacrifice everything for us, even in our extreme stubborness. Anyways, I am so very thankful to Him for everything, and I could never be even close to where I am today without Him. So be encouraged my friends and know that we serve a God whose unconditional love surpasses anything we could ever even begin to comprehend, and that if we but put our full trust in Him, he will provide, and guide us to something more amazing than we could possibly imagine for ourselves. Hey, have a splendtacular weekend! May you find great joy in all that you do, and may no misery come your way, but if it does, remeber who is in control, and know that God will lead you through!

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