Thursday, September 11, 2008

More Childhood Memories

Today in Engineering Physics, we began discussing some of Newton's Laws of motion and such, and it reminded me of one of my trademark childhood memories that I totally forgot to mention in my earlier post. Anyways, as a child, I obviously knew very little about physics, and therefore found myself attempting to defy many physical properties. I especially enjoyed trying to defy gravity, which brings me to the story. Anyways, one day I was outside riding my tricycle when I got a brilliant idea, or at least it seemed like one at the moment. I somehow gathered that if I could ride my tricycle fast enough off of the edge of something, I would be able to hover in the air, and therefore, I would be that much closer to actually flying. But, rather than being a normal person and trying to go off of some stairs or something like that, I decided to go from outside in our driveway through the basement window so over about a six foot drop. Also, opening the window apparently slipped my mind in the excitement of the whole endeavor, so in the end, I rode my tricycle at breakneck speed up the driveway only to go crashing through the closed basement window. Luckily, I didn't actually go through the window myself, so there were no injuries, only a broken window. Yeah, definitely not the smartest thing I ever did, but still a rather hilarious memory looking back. I also always wanted to try parachuting off the roof with a bed sheet, but fortunately for me, my parents kept the ladder well out of my reach. Maybe things haven't changed that much after all...hee hee!

1 comment:

sp said...

Lol why does the name Will Thomas come to mind when i read this?