Tuesday, September 9, 2008

More Kitchen Fun

So, you got to see a bit of a demonstration of my amazing cooking skills in action in the Chi Alpha video. Well, tonight, I got the wonderful pleasure of washing a couple of the remnant dishes left over from dinner. Alex had made us all some delicious spaghetti and garlic bread, so I was quite happy, and I decided to to have some fun while still accomplishing the task at hand. So, after washing the few dishes that were left, I poured some extra dish soap into the sink and filled it nice and full. I then proceeded to give myself a bubble beard and a nice bubble hat. I then walked out into the living room for everyone to see, and they all got a good chuckle out of that. This whole adventure gave me another wonderful idea which I am very excited to try out. Paul has been complaining recently about the kitchen floor needing to be mopped, so I thought it would be loads of fun to attach some sponges or something of the sort to my feet and mop the floor that way. Of course this would be very interesting and entertaining to watch due to my lack of balance, so I think Paul is going to record the whole thing once I find some time to actually attempt it. Now I just need to find some nice size 13 sponges to fit my gigantic Hobbit feet. Oh what fun that should be.

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